Thank you
You can say anything with flowers, they are a symbol of gratitude and appreciation. Thank a loved one with flowers, this lovely gesture needs no further explanation, it speaks for itself!
Our online selection of suitable products

Bouquet 'sunny delight

Bouquet of roses 'little hearts

Bouquet of roses 'Kitty

Bouquet of roses 'soft whisper'

Spring bouquet

Bouquet of roses 'royal blue

Bouquet 'blush of love'

Surprise bouquet

Rose bouquet 'glitter bouquet

Bouquet of roses 'colorful

Rose teddy bear pink/red 40cm

Rose teddy bear red 40cm

Picking bouquet

Bouquet of roses 'pure rose bouquet'

Rose heart 'forever love' - white

Rose heart 'forever love' - pink

Rose heart 'forever love' - red

Rose bouquet 'pure heart'

Rose bouquet 'heart'

Bouquet of roses 'pastel'

Rose bouquet 'letter"

Spring Biedermeier 'de luxe'

Spring surprise

Tulips surprise

12 Infinity Bouquet 'red' - preserved roses

Infinity Bouquet 'red' #1 - preserved roses

Traditional 'colorful' bouquet

Bouquet traditional 'pastel'

Bouquet of roses 'gentleman' 2

Bouquet of roses 'gentleman' 3